Tuesday, September 05, 2006

INGREDIENTS: Bragg Liquid Aminos

If you need a substitute for soy sauce, either because you need to avoid wheat or because you are looking for a more natural option, try Liquid Aminos. The only ingredients are soybeans and water.


Wishydig said...

Oh my goodness gracious...

This very brand of "Liquid Aminos" is a staple in Buffy's home. When I first visited them there was nary a meal that couldn't use some delicious spritzes of this product. They put it on their toast and potatoes and spaghetti and burritos (from taco bell) and salad and just about every dish that made it onto the plate.

"Have you tried these Liquid Aminos?" they would ask.

"Are you sure you don't want some Liquid Aminos?"

"That apple might taste better with Liquid Aminos!"

Buffy almost didn't believe me when I told her you had mentioned the miraculous Liquid Aminos on this web log.

Jeff said...

I think I've had L.A. three times in the past six months (or once in the last two months, as the math would indicate).

But now that you mention its application to apples, I believe my average is about to skyrocket!

Buffy Turner said...

It goes great with tofutti cuties, too!